w5 : How can plant modelling be a leverage for cropping system improvement by integrating plant physiology and smart horticulture?

Moderators :  Francisco Domingo Molina Aiz, Almeria University, Spain, and Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Institut Agro Angers, France

The main objective of this workshop is to promote a discussion on the utility of plant modelling in the management of horticultural crops. A better understanding of the physiological response of crops to interaction with environmental factors (temperature, light, CO2, water and nutrients) and crop management (soil, irrigation, phytosanitary treatments) would allow to improve crop growth and production (quality fruits and/or yield) saving resources. 

Modelling is becoming more and more important for horticulture in the broadest sense, both to help advancing innovation and for a better understanding of the functioning of existing systems. The workshop can be a great opportunity to create a platform for exchange between researchers working in different areas as Process-Based Models (PBM), Functional–structural plant models (FSPM) and Greenhouse Climate Models (GCM). Interaction of different models is necessary to analyse the spatial and temporal distribution of crop production. This workshop aims to establish interactions between the different areas of modelling to obtain decision support tools for plant production in smart horticulture. 

A round table will be organized, where a small panel of senior researchers will present their views and experiences about the integration of plant physiology and smart horticulture. The workshop will also allow an interdisciplinary discussion between scientists to identify the potential roles and new research directions of plant modelling.   

We plan to publish the findings and conclusions in Acta Horticulture journal.