W12: How can we reach enhanced climate resilience considering sunburn and heat damage in fruit and vegetables production?

Moderators:  Manuela Zude-Sasse, ATB, Germany, and Brunella Morandi, UNIBO, Italy

The workshop is aimed at discussing the present situation related to sunburn stressors and the actual impact of heat days on pre- and post-harvest diseases observed in different crops. Specific emphasis will be given on emerging approaches for detecting sunburn risks and damage.

The workshop will present 3-minute pitches on:

- heat stress and sunburn-related problems on fruit and vegetables crops in different growing regions

- sunburn damage in vineyards

- estimating fruit surface T by means of 3D point clouds as a result from ICT-AGRI-FOOD SHEET project

- application of RGB images to estimate fruit position and 3D tree structure

- modelling of fruit temperature distribution

A round table discussion will encourage exchanges on stress symptoms, approaches in risk management, and encourage formation of research projects. The panel will include Lee Kalcsits (Washington State University), Gianluca Allegro (University of Bologna), Nikos Tsoulias (Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy [ATB], Germany), Luigi Manfrini (University of Bologna), Laszlo Baranyai (Magyar Agrár- És Élettudományi Egyetem [MATE], Hungary)